繼2006, 2007後,第三次來曼谷(BKK),還是選擇在高山路(Khao San Road)落腳。今年的高山路,多了許多"路邊bar",克難的bar台,只有幾張凳子,彷彿午夜12點的酒類禁售令不存在似的,但已足夠背包客獲得酒精與嘻皮氛圍所釀製的歡樂。想拿起相機拍下午夜時分的東南亞背包客勝(聖)地,但身體已疲憊,精神已萎靡,再也提不起勁舉起鏡頭,就讓這一夜留在記憶中吧!
2008.6.10 at At Home Hotel, BKK
"For the perfect flâneur, it is an immense joy to set up house in the heart of the multitude, amid the ebb and flow. To be away from home, yet to feel oneself everywhere at home; to see the world, to be at the centre of the world, yet to remain hidden from the world-such are a few of the slightest pleasures of those independent, passionate, impartial natures which the tongue can but clumsily define."