我是方智勇,目前在菲律賓馬尼拉的NGO (Focus on the Global South)實習,昨天,一封轉寄信讓原本心情愉快的我陷入了憂愁。有一位今年六十幾歲的農民奶奶Zenaida Pollas目前正受到「非何杰金氏淋巴瘤」﹙non-Hodgkin's lymphoma﹚的摧殘,佔據她大半個臉的巨大腫瘤已經奪走了左眼的視力,因為臉的嚴重變形使得她難以進食,原本消瘦的身形變得更加單薄。Zenaida Pollasc和丈夫Melchor Pollas都是來自鄉下的農民,即使生活困苦,仍長期投入農業改革運動,與其他仍受到貪腐政府和大地主壓迫的農民站在一起,為農民的生存權和尊嚴奮鬥。由於Zenaida Pollas的積極貢獻以及和藹可親的人格特質,大家總是親暱地稱呼她 Nanay Uday-烏 黛媽媽。如今烏黛媽媽病倒了,原本開朗輕切的面容如今遮蔽在毛巾後面,顯得憔悴窘迫。她不需要為自己變形的面容感到窘困,該覺得丟臉的是貪腐的政府,不但 沒有提供全民均可負擔的醫療服務,還因為與大地主、跨國礦業公司官商勾結,將農民逼上絕路。各位朋友,菲律賓離我們其實很近,烏黛媽媽就像是台灣農村裡堅 毅善良溫暖的老奶奶一樣。希望我們能幫助她,一起勇敢尊嚴地對抗病魔。如果有任何朋友能幫助,不管是醫療還是捐款,請跟我連絡。以下轉寄一封來自菲律賓農 民運動組織KAISAHAN的求助信。謝謝你們耐心閱讀。祝 平安!
From: Reggie Aquino <aquirage@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 3:19 PM
Subject: Nanay Uday
KAISAHAN, 24 February 2010
Earlier today, our office received two visitors. A couple. The man, is Melchor Pollas, dearly referred to by everyone in the CARP Extension campaign as Tatay Kurokoy. The woman is Zenaida Pollas or Nanay Uday to friends. They both hailed from Brgy. Talibayog in Calatagan, Batangas.
Two years ago, Nanay Uday was one of the valiant farmers who walked from Calatagan, Batangas to Manila to advocate for the passage of the CARP Extension with Reforms (CARPER), a bill that is now RA 9700. She was also active in their land case regarding the incursion of a mining company in their agricultural land. She braved the scorching sun, the truncheon wielding police and 2 months of camping outside the gates government agencies to peacefully petition government to hear their grievance.
Fast forward to today, Nanay Uday bravely fights another battle. She is struggling with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma.I'm not very familiar with medical terminologies but when I read through her documents and clinical abstracts and repeatedly came across the words malignant mass and diffuse large-B Cell Lymphoma, I knew then that she was suffering from cancer.
This cancer has taken its toll on her. The mass which started from her nose, has now engulfed almost her entire face. The gentle features of this earth's steward was now lost in that huge lump of something unrecognizable and lamentable. As she was crying, only the flutter of her eyelashes revealed to me that was where her left eye used to be. Her right eye and nose were not visible anymore. On top of that, she has lost a lot of weight as eating is difficult. But when I talked to her, I sensed the same peace and quiet, the same resilience she demonstrated in fighting for social justice.
For the past 5 months, they have been coming back to two public hospitals here in Manila and they have only gotten as far as having the tests done. Meanwhile, the cancer is spreading, literally eating her up. She needs to undergo 9 chemotherapy sessions and if possible operation but the family is financially incapacitated to shoulder medical expenses. And the couple, both in their mid 60s are now unable to work and provide for expensive medical care. Their children shells out what little money they can spare, but they are also hard up.
The sight of Nanay Uday's condition wiped off the smile i was wearing all morning. The usual jovial KAISAHAN atmosphere turned grief stricken. My heart breaks to see Nanay Uday hide behind a towel, embarrassed by her condition. I wanted to tell her she has no reason to feel that way. That if there's anyone who should be ashamed it would have to be this government who steals from the country's coffers, fattening their pockets at the expense of quality health care for people like her.
It is bad enough that she is stricken by a disease that deprives her of living a life she deserves but it is however, criminal that she is robbed of her fighting chance because she is poor and the government that is supposed to provide quality health care continues to be unperturbed about the plight of millions upon millions of Nanay Udays in this country.
I would like to appeal to the people, if we could somehow help give her back that CHANCE, THAT CHANCE TO FIGHT CANCER WITH DIGNITY. Maybe you know of a doctor, a hospital, a politician, a philanthropist, a foundation who might be able to help her. Or maybe you can shell out whatever you can. Or maybe you have better ideas...like my friend Tomas (Step Juan) who's now on a Walking Expedition of the Country to raise awareness on Cancer.
I appeal to those whose lives have been particularly touched by these farmers...to our friends at OSCI, SLB, COSCA, Adamson boys, brothers, sisters, fathers, bishops, legislators, AR friends. To my mountaineer and patintero friends; high school, college and MA classmates; to friends from other countries, other political persuasions and religious beliefs...I'm knocking at your hearts...
Whatever help you can extend her will be greatly appreciated. Just send us at KAISAHAN a message and I will reply.
Thank you very much!
Reggie Aquino
Policy Advocacy Officer, KAISAHAN